Sunday, January 23, 2011

London Tour Bus!

Today we went a tour of the whole city -- in a bus! Not your traditional red double decker, which my roommates and I all expected (I'm not going to pretend like I wasn't really disappointed when it was a regular old bus). It was called the Anderson, which was weird when I was the only one that thought "Like the city!" We boarded our "coach," as the Brits call it,  and began our 3 hour tour. our 3 hour tour... Just kidding. Okay look at the pictures from it!

This was our first stop -- Saint Paul's Cathedral. Obviously I got very excited  because I remembered all that Ms. Walker Oakes taught us in Art History about Sir Christopher Wren and how his first two designs for the cathedral were rejected because they were too "modern," even though the commissioners had requested a modern design. Really, they had just wanted something traditional. So Crafty Sir Christopher Wren showed then a more traditional plan, got it approved, then built really big walls around the perimeter of the site, and built the design he had always wanted. It's a beautiful baroque structure! It felt surreal, because I knew what it was supposed to look like from my Art History books and London guidebooks, but it was so much more exciting in person. That sounds like a silly conclusion, because, obviously the real thing will be more exciting than a picture in a book, but I guess I didn't realize just how much I would enjoy getting to see all these historical sights I have read about and studied in school.

Look at all the beautiful Baroque detail! The engravings along the walls (reliefs, maybe? Mikes, you would know.) Just SO COOL!

This is the statue in front of the cathedral. And you can kind of see, on the left hand side, a bride who was posing with her husband on the steps of the cathedral. Wonder how much it costs to get married there... The whole time that we got out and were walking around, the bells were playing, like a soundtrack to our tour, adding excitement with every chime.

We got back in our coach. Tom, I think was our bus-driver's name, made all of us sitting in the front very nervous with his driving. Every single time we stopped behind a car, I swear I thought we were going to rear-end it. But somehow, we didn't. Every turn it seemed like we were going to plow through the pavement (which is what the Brits call a sidewalk). We did in fact almost run over a biker (I wish I was kidding). Our tour guide was mid-sentence telling us about how they used to perform executions in the gardens outside of the London Tower, and then gasped and screamed because she, too, thought we were going to kill someone. We also got partially side-swiped by a truck as it passed us; it only hit the front side mirror, but it was quite alarming. Obviously, we were buckled in the whole time, since apparently we were on Mr. Tom's Wild Ride.

London Bridge! And YES, it was as cold as it looks. This stop was exciting because we could not only see London Bridge, but also the London Tower, the Tate Modern, and The Globe Theatre.

My roommates and some new friends in front of the Bridge

Westminster. The British used to call a church a "minster" which is why this church, in the west area of the city is known as Westminster. This is probably the most historic area of London, because you have Westminster, Parliament, and Big Ben all so close, in one area. Soon this will be the site of the Royal Wedding!

My friend, Nathanie, and me in front of Big Ben.

My suite-mate, Conner, and me in front of Buckingham Palace

Cool statue

Looks cool, huh?

My friends, Nathanie, Tristan, and me outside the Palace, before getting back on the coach!

I really liked getting to see the whole city, in a warm bus with the heat on! It made me excited to go out and explore on my own. I better get to bed, because we have our first day of classes tomorrow! I've had pretty awful jet lag the last few nights, lying awake until about 5:00 AM. On a brighter note, I used that time very well, and finished the fourth season of Mad Men...and O-M-G it was so good. SO crazzzy. The season finale was so crazy! But no more episodes to watch; I'm hoping that will inspire me to actually fall sleep at a reasonable hour tonight.

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