Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Day

I got off the plane and suddenly my mind was flooded with thoughts and plans and "the Checklist" (Dad). First thing I was supposed to do, was go through Immigration. I was helped by a friendly British Bloke named Blake. Everything cleared, I showed him all my paper work, and then he said,
"Right then. Now, are you aware that you have travelled illegally into this country?"
Oh God. They're going to send me back to America. But wait, I did everything on the checklist!
"You didn't sign your passport."
Seriously? Oh my God, PHEW.
"It's not valid until it's signed."
Not a funny joke from the bloke named Blake. Lesson learned. My passport is now signed.

I got my two bags, weighing exactly 50 lbs and 50.5 lbs (very proud of that, and no, was not charged for the extra .5 lb) and got in a black taxi, headed for the Strand Palace hotel. I tried not to be a gigantic American tourist, in an I <3 NY t-shirt, jeans, running shoes, and fanny-pack, head whipping around in the cab to see all the sights. The American Tourist Costume was missing, but I am guilty of the other description. It honestly could not have been a prettier day in London. I wanted to go exploring, take in the city. I couldn't wait to check into my hotel, drop off my bags, and get outside. Maybe I'd take a quick nap first, though.

So I woke up 6 1/2 hours later. Oops. It was 6:45 PM. (I guess I'd forgotten your advice, Mikes) I showered and got ready because I was meeting Teny's friend from NYU for dinner at 8:00. Dad had said, "better safe than sorry" and that I should take a taxi, even though we were meeting close to my hotel, outside the Covent Garden tube stop. I was a little embarrassed when the taxi driver turned one corner and drove down one street, and then we arrived at the Covent Garden tube stop. I'm almost certain he muttered, "Stupid American" as I handed him some pounds.

We went to this restaurant in the West End area (I'm guessing) called Average Joe's. The first drink of my London adventure was a Lychee Martini (shout-out to you, Kel.) Very good. Very strong. Dad, you'll be happy to know that the budget might be upheld, if I only need one drink each night! The food was really good. I had chicken fajitas (I know, typical me. London's well known for their Mexican food, though...right?). In Europe, apparently, you don't get any food for free. Whereas in America, you get chips and salsa complimentary at a restaurant, in England, you have to order it. (Not so good for budget, Dad) Also, if you don't specify tap water, they will bring you bottled and charge you for it. Good to know. Don't worry, I didn't make the mistake. A great dinner, and great first night.

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