Friday, March 25, 2011


AH PARIS! I began my Spring Break with a weekend getaway with Teny and Caroline in the most romantic city in the world! And it was a fantastic weekend. I caught up to them on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful morning in Paris, the sun was shining (something that I appreciate more and more each day) and there were only a few clouds in the sky. I got a little lost trying to find our hotel after I got off the bus from the airport. And by a little lost, I mean extremely lost. It was only confusing because I was at the wrong metro station. And the French, as you may know, are not the friendliest of folk. This French man actually told me to buy the wrong, more expensive metro ticket, for the other station, which was completely useless. Two hours of "exploring" later, I have never been so happy to see the HOTEL IBIS sign in front of me. Caroline and Teny were waiting in the lobby. Time to do what we do best...EAT.

Look at that BLUE SKYYY


We had espresso and sandwiches at this darling cafe near our hotel. I tried a Madame Croque. THE CHEESE. It really is better in France. Ah-mazing. Now, as you should know from my other blog posts, the three of us are very aggressive tourists, after all, there is SO MUCH to do and so little time! 

First, we made our way to Saint Chapelle. Oh my gah. Ms. Walker Oakes, you said the stained glass was pretty. But its SO BEAUTIFUL. So overwhelmingly pretty. You just don't have the same experience by looking at a picture in a book. I feel like I keep saying that with everything I am so lucky to see in Europe, but every time I'm just so overwhelmed with how amazing these things are to experience in person. I really am so lucky so get to have these experiences.

Then we made our way to Notre Dame. When we came outside it was sprinkling :( I guess I brought the London weather with me! We didn't let that slow us down though!

Check out those flying buttresses!

Notre Dame was amazing. The grandeur, the ornamentation. Literally, we had to crank our heads back to see the whole church because it is so massive. And every inch of it sculpted and ornamented. I just couldn't believe that here we were, in PARISS, looking at the quintessential example of Gothic architecture, IN PERSON! The height and light, classic Gothic. So cool. Dad, we looked for Esmerelda, but no sign of her. Probably up in the bell tower with Quasi. We stopped for crepes at this place called St. Honore. Since I gave up chocolate for Lent I was challenged to get something other than a crepe with chocolate sauce (my usual got-to). I settled (ha!) for an out-of-this-world crepe with coffee ice cream and whipped cream. It melted in my mouth. The perfect snack. I would move to Paris, just so I could have a crepe every day.

Oh, if the crepes aren't enough sweets, you get cookies with your espresso. KAY. This must be Heaven.


We headed out first things to the Museo d'Orangerie (spelling?) to see Monet's water lilies. It was such a beautiful museum. I just love Monet, and it was so cool to see his paintings in the setting he always wanted them on display.

Next we made our way to the Louvre:

GTM!! these construction signs were all around. We we freaking out!

and then... guess where!

for dinner we walked literally 15 miles to the oldest part of paris, where the world-famous (really, celine dion has eaten there) falafel place was. and it was AH maz ing.

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