Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sibling Reunion!!!

My Spring Break continued for another week, because Kelly and Michael came to visit! It was so nice to see them and we had a lot of fun in London and in Copenhagen, where we spent the weekend. I'm so lucky they were both able to make the trip out to visit and that we could all three be together! IN EUROPE! (I've been here for what, more than two months now, and I still can't get over how cool it is that I'm here...)

Sunday night after traditional London Indian food at Jashan.

They pretty much took all the other pictures in London. The rest of these post will be from Copenhagen, which I loved! It was so nice having Kelly to show us around, because she's familiar with and casually obsessed with Denmark. Not too fluent in her Danish, however, but everyone speaks perfect English as well, so it didn't matter. On Saturday we went to this really cool museum!

Kelly loves this atrium. The statue is soooo wierd though, there are like 12 babies biting this naked woman all over her body...?

Mr. Art History

So weird - all these different noses and ears recovered from Classical sculptures, 
and all put together in one gigantic frame!

"Ers, take a picture of me next to this sarcophagus"

Degas' famous statue of The Ballerina

Rodin's Six Burghers -- such a wonderful surprise!

Kel and me in front of the canal

Brrrr! On the walk down to the water

So pretty!

Mmmm BLUE skY!

Kel and me in front of the Little Mermaid. Did you know that when they exported her to China, they also exported gallons and gallons of surrounding Danish sea water so that the statue would not come in contact with foreign water and risk damage or discoloration!? A little high maintenance, Ariel.

 Mikes joined the photo shoot because he just LOVED the statue! Christmas card?
"Wishing you a Danish Christmas"? "Merry Christmas from Under the Sea"?

The Church that overlooks Churchill Park. Clever huh?

The Palace -- So accessible! No big iron gates like in London.

Mikes and Me in front of the Palace with guards in the background. I bet they're cold!

Kel and her Fave - FDR. What's he doing in Copenhagen?

Canal - So pretty!

Trying for that Christmas card...

LOVE Copenhagen!

The Parliament Building.

Look at the cool statues in front of the Parliament Building

Cool, huh?

In the plaza of the parliament building. What a dynamic pose, Michael

Tour-Guide Kelly

See Mikes, aren't you glad we "had to stop to take pictures together"?

What a bizarre campaign...

Town Hall, I believe?

Closed :( because so cold your face would freeze off on the roller coasters

Very friendly ducks in Copenhagen -- friendlier than the people!

The Great Causeways

So by the end of spring break, my camera died. So the only pictures I have from my last destination, Belfast (yes, back to my roots for St. Patrick's Day), are from our one hike to the Great Causeways, one of the 8 Wonders of the World. So, if we're keeping score: 1 down, 7 to go. It was so beautiful!